Improve customer acquisition and discover innovative ways to serve your customers by embracing big data into your business.
In a rapidly growing digital world, data has become the most valuable digital asset for any business. Data that is growing in volume, variety, velocity and complexity.
Be it a manufacturer or service provider, SME or a large conglomerate, the importance of data analysis cannot be emphasized more. Unearthing latent business intelligence and customer behavioural patterns from data collections have become the norm for businesses of all sizes regardless of location or industry.
Businesses that choose to ignore the reality of big data will be doing so at their own peril. Leaders take note – the bad news is data will only get BIGGER, while the good news is more data means greater insights and better decisions.
As a business/technology leader, are you ready to with your data strategy? Do you employ the right tools and systems to collect, manage and analyse all your data assets?
Wouldn’t it be great that enterprises, like yours, could simply focus on their core competencies, while someone took care of putting into place all the systems and tools to manage all your data. Data that gets sourced from disparate systems across the business value chain – be it from machine and sensor logs, public web, social media, web or mobile applications, digital or physical documents and archives.
Mavenz can help your company :
- identify potential business use cases where big data can add value,
- become aware of your data assets and its potential,
- assist your IT team to capture, store, disseminate and analyze data,
- generate insightful data visualizations to enable faster and better decision making.
Big data packages/technologies that Mavenz can work with are:
NoSQL Databases Redis, MongoDB, Couchbase, Cassandra, MarkLogic Hadoop Hbase, Hive, Cloudera, Hortonworks Search Solr, Elasticsearch If you are having difficulties managing your data and need help, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Simply get in touch with us by email or telephone. Go ahead just pick up the phone or write us a line.